Mr. Jason Booth, CEO of Windward Engineers and Consultants, Interviewed by our W. R. Wilson

Covington News Corp., 10:00 AM, April 4, 2023

News TV 45's investigative journalist, Ms. Wendy R. Wilson, interviewed Mr. Jason Booth, CEO of Windward. They discussed evidence implicating Michael Clements, formerly President of Windward Engineers and Consultants, in regards to the pending arrest of Michael Clements, on a bench warrant from Camden County, Georgia.

WRW: "Thank you for this opportunity, and let's discuss the previous fraud scandal and the current document forgery charges, shall we?"

Booth: "I can only discuss what happened at Windward."

WRW: "Very well, then please tell us why Michael Clements was fired by Windward."

Booth: "I just want to restore Windward's good name, and I don't want to besmirch Michael's otherwise relatively acceptable reputation." (...quiet cough...)

WRW: "But, you agreed to discuss why Michael Clements was fired."

Booth: "I will only confirm or deny things that you already seem to know. I refuse to get into a broad discussion."

WRW: "OK, for example, was Windward embarrassed by some of the personal and business websites that Michael created? Specifically, what about the and the websites?"

Booth: "Good Lord, we were mortified. We were almost shamed out of the Engineering and Consulting business. We lost pending Government Contracts, and that really took a toll on the bottom line. Yeah, that was the last straw."

WRW: "Were there other 'straws', perhaps including bid-rigging, and Michael accepting under-the-table cash while either at Windward or any of the other engineering companies where he's been previously employed?"

Booth: "I can't comment on that due to on-going Federal investigations."

WRW: "What about Michael Clements previous involvement in money-laundering and designing carbon credits fraud documents for Asian boiler rooms? Isn't it true that you've seen the evidence clearly showing that Clements took under-the-table money from Asia in 2009-2010 while he was with Merrick Engineers?"

Booth: "Yes, but I've already answered that with another reporter, and I'm not going to discuss it again."

WRW: "How about your company psychiatrist, who allegedly noted that Michael Clements scored 'dangerously high' on the 'Dark Triad' personality test, which measures Machiavellian, Narcissistic, and Psychopathic tendencies?"

Booth: "Too many horses in that barn, let me just close by saying that Windward is trying to recover from what Michael Clements did to us, and we pledge to do a better job of screening and backgrounding corporate officers in the future."

WRW: "Thank you for your time."

Michael Clements Terminated by Windward Engineers

Covington News Corp., 1:00 PM, April 5, 2023

Our NewsSleuths® at WACP-Covington exhaustively searched every online and print News Classified, and found the following Legal Notice in the Atlanta Journal Constitution:


Windward's Michael Clements Charged with Document Forgery

Covington News Corp., 3:00 PM, April 20, 2023

Our Field Investigators from WACP-Covington have researched leads from Coastal Georgia in regards to the pending arrest of Michael Clements, on a bench warrant from Camden County, Georgia.

This is a developing story, the specifics of the forgery charges are sealed, but as we find out more, we will post it on this web page.